Is Your heart chakra under or overly active?

SAM_2026The heart chakra is subject to problems, as are all chakras , with under or over activity. Either extreme can eventually manifest in psychological or physical problems.

An overly active heart chakra makes it hard to be present fully on the earth and a person can become isolated, lonely, and fearful of being hurt. Under active energy in the heart creates a sense of heaviness, a lack of joy and result in codependent behavior. Codependency is displayed in possessive, jealous, clingy, and selfish behavior.

Imbalances in the heart chakra result in a lack of emotional fulfillment, self-consciousness, and possibly antisocial behavior.

Our hearts are keenly involved in our daily lives and especially in the major events we encounter in our journey. Who has not known the feeling of the heart chakra shutting down to protect itself? We may not have associated the feeling with energy or a chakra but we all recognize the sensation!

Issues involving the heart such as death, divorce, loss, abandonment, and betrayal are all part of our human experience at one time or another.
Closing of the heart chakra creates numbness in an attempt to protect ourselves from unbearable pain. Unfortunately this generally has the effect of making things worse, as communication with other chakras is shut off and a feeling of emptiness results.

On a more positive note the heart carries within it the power to transmute our negative feelings. Guilt, fear, shame, and anger can all be transformed through the loving power of the heart.

When the heart chakra is in balance and energy is freely flowing, a person is self-accepting, trusting, forgiving, compassionate, charged with positive emotions, and fueled by hope. As always, the issue is to take charge of our inner states and create more of what we truly desire on the inside so that energy can flow out into the outer world and bring more of what we truly desire to manifest in our world.