Inner Feng Shui: How to Have More Energy!

Inner Feng Shui

“Inner Feng Shui” is becoming aware of what is rocking around in the basement of your mind (subconscious) and taking steps to eliminate it. This frees up huge amounts of energy to direct toward what you truly desire in your life.

One of the first principles when using Feng Shui to improve our homes or offices is to de-clutter.  That principle is equally important when we are talking about our minds, our energy and our consciousness!

Inner Feng Shui and Awareness
It may seems as if we sabotage ourselves more often than we would like. However we don’t really mean to pull the rug out from under our selves. It just seems to happen even with our best conscious intentions.
What trips us up on the road to our dreams is not what is in conscious awareness. What blocks our way is the stuff of our mind that is like junk in the basement that has been packed away in boxes for so long that we have forgotten it was there. And then there is the ‘stuff’ that we told others they could store there or the stuff that came from ancestors that accumulated quietly in the corners! No one intends for this to occur, it is just part of the experience of being human.

Beliefs are Inner Clutter
So what is this stuff? Think of it as mistaken beliefs. We all have them. These are ideas, perceptions, viewpoints about ourselves, others or the world. These most often developed early in life (0-6 yrs. old) and are mostly out of awareness.

What follows is a list of some of the most common troubling beliefs that people carry. Take your time to read through the list and notice which ones touch you. You may experience strong emotions or perhaps only a slight discomfort. OR, you may have an adverse reaction such as: “Well that’s foolish, who would ever think that!” Sometimes strong denial is our biggest clue that there is something going on in the deeper realms! So read the list slowly, giving yourself the gift of an honest appraisal.

Faulty Beliefs

I’m not good enough

I’m not acceptable

I’m not lovable

I don’t deserve to be loved

I’m not wanted

I don’t belong/ can’t find my place in this world

Nothing ever works for me

Life is a struggle

I can’t express myself well/at all

Nobody understands me

It’s not safe to trust

I am betrayed by life

I am insignificant

I am not capable

There’s no hope for me

I don’t deserve to love/ be loved

I am stupid

I cannot be myself/have no real sense of who I am

I am weak and have no defenses

I am always/will be/deserve to be deprived and abandoned

Inner Feng Shui is a Rewarding Process
Becoming aware of these beliefs may be painful at the start. If you commit to rooting them out, the rewards you gain will far outweigh any discomfort you experience.

Identifying mistaken beliefs is the first step.
Taking steps to erase them from your inner programming is the second.

There are many tools for doing this and many are included in our recorded programs. Some people prefer to work individually with a practitioner to ferret out and release these beliefs.
The important thing is that you DO something, they will not simply melt away because you want them to!

Helpful tips for working with mistaken beliefs

1) De-clutter your mind through examining and eliminating unconscious beliefs through mindfulness, journaling, dream work

2) Use the power of your mind via imagery, visualization and relaxation to help you release problem beliefs as well as to install new programs for success.

3) Notice the small successes. Celebrate them. Hold the feeling of them. The best growth is through the ‘feel good’ not the ‘feel bad’.

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