This is a recycled post but it contains information and questions that I find I need to return to over and over to check if I am slipping (and I usually am! :)) in caring for myself and my energy. We continue to live in a world that is changing rapidly with lots of sources of stress so it can be helpful to keep a check on your personal self care. I hope the questions and information below are helpful to you.
There are many things in our daily lives that deplete our energy. Heat, artificial light, dissonant, loud or harsh sound, electricity, computers, and junk food are some examples. Those are all probably things that you really do know if you stop and think about it.
What is less well known is that stress, blocked negative emotions, unhealed emotional trauma, negative thinking, worry, fear, and negative or toxic interactions with others also unbalance our fields.
Examples of the latter are: people and situations that do not honor who you are, respect you, or contribute to your well being. Think about how you feel after being with someone who criticizes, belittles or berates you. You know it does not feel good but you may not have thought about it directly affecting your energy and therefore the whole of your being.
Here’s another situation that we all often find ourselves in—until we become more conscious! How do you feel when you find yourself doing something you really did not want to do, that was not in accord with who you are or where you wanted to be. Have you ever gone along with someone or something and felt a sense of inner tension because you didn’t want to participate or you didn’t believe in what you were doing? We all have at one time or another. But when we begin to understand that these types of situations weaken and even distort our field, perhaps it becomes easier to choose more wisely, on our own behalf or at least self correct after the event. A weakened auric field leaks energy. That is not healthy for us and ultimately not good for the others involved either.
The best way to protect ourselves in every aspect of our lives is to develop a strong vibrant energy field so we are not as vulnerable to negative or discordant energies. This involves commitment and practice as well as awareness regarding the choices we make each day.
Bring more awareness to your daily activities and interactions. Begin to notice how you feel in response to them. How you feel provides you with clues as to what is happening in your energy system. People, places, and practices that contribute to feelings of buoyancy, fullness, aliveness all help build and strengthen energy.
The state of your energy is reflected in the situations and circumstances of your life.
What are you noticing? Do you have a deficit or an abundance of energy? What is dragging you down? What can you eliminate? What can you put in place to begin to build strong positive energy? What will it take for you to make a choice on your own behalf to care deeply for yourself in this way? What blocks you from making that choice?
Once we care for our own supplies and reserves of energy we can be more fully present to our lives, healthier, more successful and more helpful to others.
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