Hidden Drains of Your Energy and Vitality

Street Scene  - Tournon SAM_9240 (Small)Beliefs and old memories form habitual patterns of thought that produce strong emotions which resonate intensely through the energy field. What you think about and feel affects the patterns your energy will take.
It is easy to negate the effect of these negative states as their consequence is initially invisible. We may think they are innocuous, but they are having a very real impact. One or all of our field’s aspects may be involved initially: the physical, mental or emotional. Over time all facets are affected if the stimulus is strong or repetitive enough.

In addition to the initial disruption of energy, coping strategies also develop and become chronic patterns that are anchored within. These patterns then shape our energy, create body armor and ultimately lead to the breakdown of emotional and physical health.

In addition to the effect on the flow of our energy, negative thoughts, emotions and beliefs also dissipate a great deal of energy that could be used for more constructive, creative or fun purposes.

Through expanding our consciousness and truly being able to make choices from our higher mind we can influence how our energy flows.

Energy flows on the path of least resistance. Through working with our underlying structures E.G. our patterns of thinking, feeling and belief we can create an open system through which energy can flow freely and easily. This is a creative approach that dissolves negativity and assists us to build upon what we do want instead of struggling in fearful reactivity. The latter results in unconsciously continuing to create what we don’t want in our lives.

We form a large portion of our core beliefs early in life before we have a capacity for discernment. Throughout our lives events happen, we are impacted by them, and naturally have thoughts and feelings as a result. These thoughts and feelings coalesce into beliefs. We register these mind sets, often out of full conscious awareness, they then go on automatic and influence our lives. We remain unaware usually until some pressure is brought to bear in an important area of our lives and we are called upon to explore our inner world.

The original often occurs as a means of ‘survival’, a means of self-preservation and protection when we are too small, young and powerless within our lives to choose more wisely. The difficulty occurs because it probably was useful at the time! We ‘learn’ that it was an effective strategy in the moment and it then becomes a generalized way of responding to stress. What originally protected us becomes detrimental when it is unconsciously adopted as a ‘default’ program.

Another way that problem patterns develop is in the way that we learn methods to gain approval, love, support, attention, or recognition. If we remember that these dynamics are all a means of getting or giving energy this makes more sense. A classic example is that of a child triggering negative attention. We all need the energy of love to survive. A young child does not have many options to choose from when considering his or her sources of energy. It usually must be the parents who may not be able to give it at all or may not be able to give it in the amounts or ways the child requires. So the child instinctively finds the means to get the attention (energy) to flow his/her way. This creates negative patterns within the relationship as well as within the individuals involved. It is not hard to see how this would then get transferred to a generalized energetic pattern that would emerge in other relationships. As an adult this person may even have a great deal of cognitive ability to understand their past sources of problems in this regard. If they had not healed the original ’wound’ and been able to rectify their needs for energy in an appropriate way for them, then this pattern would reemerge, especially under stress.

How we have been treated, what we observed on our journey through life all contributed to the formation of beliefs regarding how to manage, control, obtain or give away energy of all types.  It bears repeating that all negativity does not produce disease. It is the repetitive, traumatic or dominant patterns that tend to create problems.

Knowing how our emotions and beliefs affect our energy field provides us with the ability to know where energy is being lost or blocked. Then we can consciously open up and work on an energetic level to clears blocks to healthy positive energy. In this way we transform ourselves and strengthen our energy.