
How is Heart Energy Connected to Boredom and Depression?

Heart Energy and Emotion

We often think about our brain malfunctioning when we do not feel alive, happy and connected to life and living. It is our heart however that really connects us with life and generates the energy of the feel good feelings. Diminished flow of energy through the heart puts us at risk for physical ailments but also has mental and physical ramifications. Fortunately it is reversible through balancing your heart chakra energy.

“When you are not connected with your heart, it diminishes the feeling textures in your life’s experiences. When life becomes dry, boring and bordering on depression, you’re experiencing diminished spirit flow in your system. Through learning to reconnect with your heart by putting out heart qualities like love, appreciation, compassion and forgiveness, you reactivate your spirit, which increases the feeling textures of your experience, bringing you more positive feelings such as joy and happiness.” Doc Lew Childre, Institute of HeartMath

3 Affirmations to Shift in Awareness to Release Fear and Pain

My heart registers pain as well as love and bliss. As I choose to open and expand my energy field, I more easily remain open and release pain making more room for feelings of love and freedom.

Pain is constriction of energy. Resistance constricts my energy and increases the pain and locks it in my system. I can consciously respond through re-balancing my energy.

Pain and fear can move through my being as freely as the wind through the trees as I focus on being grounded, centered and balanced within my larger Self.

Our habitual ways of dealing with pain and fear tend to be ineffective. In fact, they only serve to intensify or prolong it! Try taking these statements inside and working with your energy in the way they suggest. By opening your field, creating a feeling of spaciousness and allowing the energy of the emotion to flow unrestricted, you will find your pain dissipating. Using heart based meditative techniques helps to build heart energy with the optimal frequency influences our state of emotional well-being.