Love is not conditional, it just IS. The path of the heart is simple and truthful.

Here are some questions that can help you to asses the issues that may need addressing in regard to the heart chakra—we all have them!
1. Do you openly and freely express your heartfelt emotions? If not, what makes it difficult?
2. Have you willing forgiven those who did not love you in the way you wanted? Why not? What must you do to move toward forgiveness?
3. Are you willing to let go of self blame and criticism?
4. Are you willing to forgive yourself?
5. What attitudes stand in your way? (e.g.: unworthiness/resentment?)
6. Do you often look to others to fulfill your emotional needs?
How can you create emotional balance so you are neither needy nor totally emotionally autonomous and isolated?
We have several programs that address working with the energy of the heart chakra for balance:
For more information click here:
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