What Does a Healthy Solar Plexus Energy Center Look Like?
A strong and balanced third chakra helps you to have a solid sense of your own power and worth. You are able to set goals based on your desires and act to manifest them in the world. You have leadership qualities and are an innovator without being over bearing or controlling with others. Your immunity is strong, you manage anger well, and though you have energy to take action in the world, you can also be peaceful and still.
I AM Presence
The solar plexus is the seat of the I AM presence. Pause for a moment and and feel– How would you fill in the blank after I AM? As you fill in the blanks, let the roles you state drop away until you come to unconditioned awareness.It takes time to arrive at this state andd even more practice to let it permeate more and more of ourconsciousness.
The kind of answer that is called for here is not that of a role, a quality or an accomplishment. The kind of answer that is appropriate here is a sense of knowing one’s individuality, one’s uniqueness in a quiet but powerful way. I AM is a calm presence, an awareness, not an intellectual or emotional construct.
Nature Provides Examples of Individuality Minus Competition
How does an oak tree, a rose, or the ocean respond to questions, thoughts or feelings regarding its individuality? Nature provides us with unlimited examples of what it means and looks like to be a unique expression of the life force. There are no questions about how to be, no insecurities about how to become ones’ self. Nature’s expressions also do not need their distinctive essences to be applauded or acknowledged with praise, feedback or awards and yet it often receives recognition of its beauty, power and strength.
We do not create individuality, we simply need to release all that obstructs it and allow it to unfold.
The freedom to be your own True Self is a gift, to you and to those around you.
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