We all crave inner peace, well being and happiness yet we commonly seek those things in the wrong places and end up feeling even more empty, unhappy, lost or frustrated than we were at the start . Ultimately there really is no wrong as it is all learning and experience; however there are ways that are more direct, enjoyable and productive if we are really committed to creating these outcomes for ourselves.
The place to look for the path to our inner contentment is our mind. Not that it is the final resting place, but that knowledge and mastery of it leads us to our essential nature where all that we seek resides. In the most fundamental way this is a journey of energy, however cognitive and emotional approaches can be an entry point as well. From my perspective, approaching our lives from an energetic standpoint clears the clutter and simplifies but we all must pass through the doorway on our own terms.
It can be helpful to think about your mind is awareness on a continuum. Think about it as a river that flows with your experience of it being a result of where you place your attention. Whatever area you focus on becomes reality for that time with all its attendant resources and ecology, E.G. feelings, strengths, weaknesses etc. If you focus on the portion of the river that is congested with negative thoughts, the past, your story, unresolved feelings and dire predictions of the future, then that is what you have to work with. If you go upstream and connect at the mouth of the river that flows out of pristine mountain streams, you have a different reality and resources to draw on. From this vantage point the power of a clearer, truer flow can help clear the blockages downstream. This clearing of our blockages, old patterns and the release of our accumulated hurts and wounds brings a sense of renewal, a powerful shift in perspective and an embodiment of our true nature.
We all believe at some point that we do not have time to focus on, learn about and master our inner landscape, but when we look at how things really work in this universe, the question can be asked “Do we have time NOT to?”
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