
Gratitude: How to Improve Heart and Brain Health and FEEL Good!

Practice feeling gratitude to open the deepest doors of your heart so a deeper resonance can emerge, rippling out to touch every facet of your existence.

This year it may feel difficult to experience gratitude with all that is going on in the midst of the pandemic. In spite of the challenge it may be even more important to engage in a routine gratitude practice. We can all use the strengthened immunity a heart based gratitude practice provides, as well as the emotional boost that accompanies it.

Research has shown that activating genuine heart-based feelings of care, love, gratitude, appreciation and compassion creates coherent heart rhythms, and stimulates healthy neural, hormonal, biochemical, and energetic flow to all organs.

In addition, brain function improves, production of stress hormones decreases, anti-aging factors increase, immunity is enhanced and well being is experienced all the way down to the cellular level! It’s up to you; you can trigger all these effects at will! What’s not to love about that?

Excerpted from Engaging the Flow Ch. 7 of 12 Keys for Life and Self Mastery

At the start, practice writing in a gratitude journal every day. It only takes a few minutes. Some days you might write a few thoughts. Other days you might write several pages or a long list.
As you express your gratitude, your energy shifts into a very thankful and receptive mode. Problems drift away from your consciousness and positive energy begins to flow. The more you do this, the faster your outer experiences will mirror your inner state.

As you experience the coherence a gratitude practice generates, people around you will notice. They may not be able to pinpoint what is different, what they will feel it. Each of us vibrates energy…a feeling tone. This tone is captured in a field around our physical body.

On both a conscious and subconscious level we feel and respond to the energy of those around us. Sometimes we are drawn closer and sometimes the energy sets us apart. It all depends on how you are feeling. You can help yourself to FEEL GOOD a gratitude practice every day. When you FEEL GOOD you will draw others to you that also FEEL GOOD.

BTW, do not feel discouraged if you find it hard to find something to be grateful for. Research shows it is the search that is more important than the goal.