
Creativity: Four Steps to Enhance Your Ability to Move Through Change

Creativity, Life Cycles, Growth and Change

We are all aware that there are cycles of growth and change, but we typically do not pay a lot of attention to where we may be within the cycle. The result is that we are not in sync; we are out of rhythm with ourselves, our lives and with the natural timing of all the cycles of which we are a part.

If we pay attention to this natural process and where we are within it, we can become more efficient, patient, and remain healthier as we cut down on frustration and pushing rocks up hills.

Becoming Aware of the Creative Cycle

1. When you are thinking about creating something new in your life, do you treat it as a creative process and consciously use stage-appropriate methods and tools?

2. How would your response to change and transitioning from one phase of life to another be different if you honored these cycles within your life?

3. How would your approach to consciously creating your life change if you incorporated awareness about the stage you were in?

4. Do you nurture creativity in general in your life?

In the next two post we will explore  how self knowledge and false beliefs block creative living.