energy tips

7 Energy Tips to Deal with Control Freaks, Fear Mongers, and Energy Vampires

Energy Tips for Staying Strong and Energized

In this day and age it is important to be aware of how the news is affecting our energy. There is great turbulence in the world as we navigate through times of extreme change. The best way to deal with this stress is to notice what is being triggered and process it to regain our power and balance. Others are being triggered as well and may not know to do this so their turmoil can affect us as well. Having tools to manage our energy brings us beyond the tumult of the outer world and the common mind.

Energy Tip #1. Notice how you are triggered. Be aware of your energy. The more familiar you are with how you manage and shape your energy the more you can be in charge of what happens with your responses to events and people. During an interaction feel the energy in your body. If there is something that feels unpleasant, especially re: a power issue, you can place your hand over your solar plexus, your midriff, and say “you have no power here now.” It can be especially helpful to anticipate how you tend to feel with certain people and take this position in advance. 

Energy Tip #2. If you are aware that you have been attached to through energy cords, use imagery to detach them. Gently extricate them and send them lovingly back to the one who “corded in”. Also intend to gently and with care return your energy to the place the cord was released from. Intentionally relax into your center.

Energy Tip #3. Preventatively work to develop a strong energy field that results in healthy boundaries. Refuse to engage with those who seek to control or drain you. It is possible to stand in your center, your truth and not “take the bait” and remain compassionate and at peace. It takes practice and a commitment to yourself.

Energy Tip #4. Know that you have a choice. Become mindful, present to the moment and calmly choose your response– which can be to not engage.

Energy Tip #5. Make it a practice to get quiet, work with your life force/power, center and ground your energy via your breath.

Energy Tip #6. Keep your energy strong through making it a habit to frequently intentionally flow strong, vibrant energy through your body, filling in any empty spots and smoothly out any irregularities.

Energy Tip #7. If someone habitually drains your energy, intentionally (and wordlessly) flow energy toward their feet, in your mind say ” you can do this for yourself”.

Our latest recording, How to Protect Yourself From Energy Vampires can help!

Learn to:
Recognize energy vampires
Protect and keep yourself safe from harm
Repair the damage caused through contact

The program begins with an introduction to the concept of what an Energy Vampire is. It will move on to explain how we become victims and how to defend against it. It is critical to understand how Energy Interactions and Patterns happen and how to spot them in order to prevent them
How Energy Vampires behave is also an important aspect for your future well being. There are two guided meditations which will help strengthen both your core foundation and your ability to protect your energy in the future.

The program is filled with great information which will help you strengthen your energy and learn to keep yourself safe from those who would draw the living energy from you!
