energy system

Your Energy System and an Important Requirement for Intuition, Healing and Creating

Energy System as Primary Immune System
Since our energy system is what underlies our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual selves it makes sense that the shape it is in will profoundly affect all areas of our lives. It is our primary immune system, as well as the vehicle for manifestation and interaction with our external world.

Empaths, because of the porous nature of their fields are more vulnerable to influences that will impede the free flow of energy, create blocks, or interfere with the coherence of energy.

Being in Touch with Your Energy System Allows for Strengthening and Influencing
In order to effectively be able to strengthen and manage our energy in positive and healthy ways we need to first be in touch with it. Whether we are talking about healthy boundaries, letting go of old patterns and wounds, or interfacing with the world and others, to be in touch with our energy requires some degree of being embodied in order to really affect and shift our energy and herein lies the issue!

Letting Go Clears and Opens the Energy System
We are conditioned from early on to live more from our heads than from deeper within ourselves. In addition to that conditioning is the natural tendency to move into our heads as a way of protection, or a means of coping with stress. Once we decide we want to now become embodied and cope in more positive ways, we can find it difficult as we come into contact with feeling more completely in general, as well as coming face to face with all that we have tucked away inside. We are fortunate to live in a time when we know so much more than in the past about healing energetically and letting go of painful material. We now have tools and techniques that can help us release much more easily and completely than we may have imagined.

Centering and grounding is Fundamental for Working with Energy System
One of the first skills we can learn to help us regain our strength and be more effective with releasing old patterns and to feel more stable, safe and healthy is centering and grounding. Check out our podcast section for recordings that help you begin to become embodied, centered and grounded. In addition you may want to check out our recording Letting Go: The Heart of Healing which offers three methods for working with the release of old energies. You can access the download on our store here: