Energy, Meaning and Messages: What’s in it for You?

Release, by Rita Loyd

We are heading into a time….no, actually the time is upon us…when we are developing higher ways of knowing. Old ways are falling away and we are being challenged to develop new ways of being in the world as well as new ways of knowing. To do so requires opening up to our intuition, listening to life in new ways and learning how to inhabit ourselves differently.

There is something deeply settling in living with broader and deeper awareness. Using a more intuitive approach to our life questions, being open to information that emerges from our own depths rather than attuning to external rules and roles, provides a much richer life experience as well as a life that is more keenly suited to our own needs and purpose. This feels like an ever present opportunity to come home to our essential self in the midst of daily life….the inner space that can nourish and sustain us if we connect with it.

Recently I was searching for a file and came across an article I had written back in 2007. The topic was about these very things–looking at life through different eyes, being aware of messages and their deeper meaning. The funny thing about the core issue I discovered and wrote about in the article is that I have recently been having the same message come back around….again! Not so strange really, just human and the way it is for those of us who learn more slowly! It gets deeper and easier with experience and there is gratitude for that!

To pay attention to life moments , with an attitude of ease and patient spaciousness is one of the ways that we turn the ordinary into extraordinary- paying attention, we open our hearts and minds and become receptive to something beyond the noise in our heads, the something that heals.

I do not think that we should live our lives under the burden of analyzing and inspecting every moment for deeper meaning. However, my experience has taught me that there is a great deal to be gained through being open to the broader perspectives that life is always inviting us toward.

To read Energy, Meaning and Messages:

Questions to Ponder

Do you think symbolically about the events of your life?

How does the universe speak to you?

How has your life been enriched by deeper listening and clearer seeing/vision?

I would love to hear your experiences and comments about this topic!


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