Energy Flow and Chakras: Influence on Health
Chakras: Windows on Your World
The strength, flow and frequencies of your energy system determine your overall mental and physical health. Optimal well-being is a reflection of abundant, free flowing and balanced energies.
Emotional pain results from a disruption in the energy of the chakras and meridians. Energy Psychology addresses this with tools and techniques that restore integrity to the system and return it to equilibrium.
If emotional patterns of disruption are intense or longstanding, they eventually create physical changes that result in pain that signals a deeper imbalance or blockage of energy. Energy Medicine addresses this and includes methods that help to release obstructions and restore balance and harmony to the physical system.
Energy Flow and Chakras: Science and Feelings
In her book, Molecules of Emotion: The Science behind Mind-Body Medicine, Dr. Candace Pert describes the chakras as “mini-brains;” i.e., they are nodal points of electrical and chemical activity that receive, process and distribute information from and to the rest of your “body-mind.” Dr. Pert’s work suggests a model of mind-body-spirit residing within each of the chakra points.
The mini-brains she speaks of reside in the midline of your body and comprise an endocrine gland, a major nerve plexus and the swirling energy of the chakra. The endocrine glands manufacture hormones and supply them to the bloodstream, where they are carried to the organs and tissues in your body.
The seven nerve plexuses transmit nerve impulses. These seven spaces are also dense with neuropeptides, which have been dubbed the “molecules of emotion,” as they are the chemicals associated with our emotions.
All these distinct structures – the neural, energetic, hormonal, and biochemical – act in concert, but they also have a fascinating autonomy.
For instance, neuropeptides are not confined within the nervous system, as previously thought, but instead are found in blood, muscles, bones and organs. If you are experiencing happiness, you will find neuropeptides associated with happiness throughout your body; if you are sad, there will be “sad” neuropeptides in your body, and so forth. In other words, emotional reactions do not begin in the brain but at the cellular level.
As mentioned before, each of the seven mini-brains is a model of the body-mind. The endocrine gland is the body, the neuropeptides the emotions, the nerve plexus correlates with the thought and the subtle energy with spirit.
Energy Flow and Chakras: Eastern Medicine and Research
In Eastern traditions and now in the complementary medicine that is emerging in the West, the energy system is seen as the primary blueprint of the mind-body and, hence, of health. Research has even shown that the energetic state affects DNA.
It is fairly apparent, when you understand the structure of our systems, how damage occurring within a chakra may cause disruption in the associated endocrine gland or nerve plexus, and the effects are transferred throughout the entire body-mind.
The more we understand the flow of subtle energy, the more we understand the interrelationship between mind, body and spirit. It becomes clear, when we see ourselves through the lens of energy, why it is important to approach our lives and health in a holistic way.
In a very deep and fundamental way, our beliefs also influence the people, places and events that come into our lives. Our future is drawn to us and in large part the outcomes that are possible are predicated upon what we BELIEVE to be true, probable or possible.
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