energy field

Your Subtle Energy System: Does it Operate on Dial Up, Cable or Satellite?

Each of us has a unique energy field that interacts with others and our environment. We are like television sets capable of broadcasting and receiving various frequencies.
Some of us receive the basic stations and others have cable or satellite capabilities! Depending on the ‘energetic equipment’ we have installed we can receive and broadcast within certain bandwidths.
Some of our receptions are crystal clear while others are garbled or nonexistent. The quality of our receptivity depends on the basic equipment installed’, as well as what shape that equipment is in! Also, we can have great basic equipment in good condition, but not know how to access all its capabilities.

Our energy field determines the quality, type of interactions and clarity of communication we will have with others. Fortunately this is a fluid and flexible system. We can change the clarity and strength of our broadcasting and receiving through understanding our energy equipment’, how it operates and how to manage it in more effectively. This does require learning new information and integrating some practices—the language of energy—but it is well worth the investment you make in the positive effect on you and your world.

A routine meditation practice helps to begin to get in touch with your subtle energy, how it feels and how it is moving…or not throughout your body/energy field. The stillness that develops as a byproduct of meditation can also help you to begin to discern between mental, physical and emotional bodies/aspects of self. Both of those abilities contribute to your capacity to consciously manage your energy for your overall benefit.

 Our recording Relaxation 101 is a great technique for relaxation and developing the ability for stillness and attention.

Working to clear, strengthen and stabilize your energy field through targeted chakra techniques helps to upgrade the functioning of your energy field.
We have two recordings that each directly address connecting and engaging with the chakras of the subtle energy system.


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