Creating Loving Relationships
One of the underlying aspects of feng shui is the energy associated with the position in the family. Since May is the month for Mother’s Day, I thought it would be appropriate to talk about the area associated with “Mother.” From a feng shui perspective, the area of “Mother” is the most yin and the most feminine sector of the bagua. It is located in the back right corner of your space (or the SW) €¦ your yard, your house, your business.
The area of Mother is also called the Receptive. It represents the energy of the earth –which is comforting, caring and nurturing. This area is also about building and developing relationships. In popular terminology, this sector is called Love and Marriage as well as Relationship.
Earth corresponds to things that receive €¦ such as a big open heart, open fields and pastures, pillows and cushions, open arms. Earth energy is a supporting and transforming energy. It is also a stabilizing force. Earth gives as well as receives. Earth unifies and joins things together.
If you are a mother, take time to care for yourself first. In order to nurture and care for others, you need to nurture and care for yourself. Mothers are so used to giving to others that it may seem selfish to receive things for oneself. However, being able to receive is a key component of nurturing others. If you give and give without taking time to replenish yourself, you deplete your energy. You get run down. This Mother’s Day, treat yourself well and do at least one thing special to nurture your inner soul or to make yourself feel great. Get a manicure or a massage. Spend time with a special friend. Curl up with a book for an afternoon or evening. Eat a delicious and healthy meal.
When Earth energy is in balance, you feel grounded, supportive and safe. You may also feel very comfortable and protective, but not over-protective. People feel comfortable with you and comfortable confiding in you. People will gravitate to you.
Too much earth energy can make you feel stifled and smothered, or “over-mothered.” Your thinking may be muddy and you may worry constantly. You might be afraid of doing things wrong, so you take no action at all. If you are feeling stifled, try wearing something white, pastel or even metallic colored. Also try wearing some gold or silver jewelry. While doing so, imagine yourself clear-headed and feeling very grounded.
If earth energy is deficient, you may find yourself so worried about survival that you lack the ability to explore emotions and spirit. You may have trouble with building and maintaining relationships or you may cling and hold onto people and relationships too tightly. If you are feeling low in spirit, passion and energy, try wearing something red, pink or even yellow. These colors will help to perk you up. The reds will bring in more passion and the yellow will strengthen communications.
When you are working to strengthen or perhaps even attract a relationship, pay particular attention to back right corner of your space. Make sure that this area is well maintained and free of debris. To freshen it and your relationships as well, clear everything out and give it a good spring cleaning. Only return things that you love or use. Thin a few things out, such as those things you no longer care for or anything you haven’t used in the past year. Clear out things from prior relationships.
I worked with a client recently who would like to bring a relationship into her life. Interestingly enough, there was a fire in her home last year- in the back right corner of her house. To me, this fire symbolically represented a clearing out of old relationships in order to let a new one take root. Fire turns things to ash or earth. Life, in turn, grows or develops from earth. It is a cycle we are so familiar with that we take it for granted. Think about the forest fires that plagued several western states last year. Thousands of acres were burned to ash, only to begin the growth of the forests again. It’s a natural cycle.
Perhaps you’d like to strengthen your relationship with your mother. If so, work with the Family area as well as the Relationship area. The Family area is the left center of your space. Place a beautiful or happy picture of your mother here. You might also write an affirmation (in the present tense) describing your perfect relationship with her. Place this in a red envelope on the left center side of your desk or dresser.
As you think about the relationships in your life, what comes to mind? Are they healthy, vibrant and strong? What changes would you like to make? What changes are you willing to make? As you think about this, try to be very clear. After all, you attract situations to yourself based on your thoughts and feelings. As a quick reference, here are nine things you can do to help strengthen relationships in your life:
1) Clean out the back right corner of your yard, your house, and every room in your house. Remove all clutter from this area. Clutter is anything you don’t use or love.
2) Keep all plumbing, electric, windows and doors are in excellent working order.
3) Place a pair of something in this area, preferably something that brings you joy, such as a beautiful set of candlesticks, a picture with a happy couple, two animals side by side, a pair of colorful flowers or even flower buds for a budding new romance.
4) Place a picture of a happy relationship in this area.
5) Place something red or pink in this area.
6) Write an affirmation (a positive statement about what you would like to happen, written in the present tense) just as if it is happening now.
7) Move 27 things in this area that haven’t been moved in a year.
8) Place a vase of fresh, colorful flowers here.
9) Light a pair of candles.
Peg Donahue
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