Energy, Emotion and Healing

[singlepic id=117 w=320 h=240 float=left]A major part of healing is simply connecting with the stuck places within and unblocking the energy that has been stagnant or frozen there—releasing it to flow and nourishing our life and inner being.

Oftentimes people believe that they need resolution around their emotional wounds—but in fact what we require is more like a completion so we can let the effects go, and reboot our nervous systems. Having done this in effect frees up frozen or split off energies and connects us more completely to our wholeness. Then our way forward is much more possible with an ease and fullness that supports our desires and goals.

Remarkably, often once we release our resistance and stop defending or reacting to feeling the effects of the past and have progressed to completion, inner tension dissipates leaving a stronger internal bond in addition to a greater flow of energy.

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