energy contraction

Energy Contractions: How Can You Effectively Release Pain and Resistance?

Energy contraction is our normal reaction to stress, distasteful or difficult experiences and physical and emotional pain. This is meant to be protective, however it tends to intensify our discomfort and pain. Energy contraction can be a default pattern that we learned early in life when we had few skills to protect ourselves. Unfortunately it can become a habitual response–out of our awareness– that leads to chronic blocks that give rise to more mental, emotional and physical pain.

 We need to have ways to respond to our stress and pain in ways that allow process and release  Carrying too much nervous system chaos makes it difficult to manage stress, perform optimally and be creative in life. 

Prevention and Skill Building to Offset Energy Contraction
There are many things we can do on a preventative scale to erase the effects of stress, help us cope, and minimize our habitual reaction to contract. Things that maintain our physical health and contribute to a healthy energy/nervous system help: proper diet, sleep, exercise routines, counseling, shadow work and skill building all fall in this category.

Meditation and breath work are bridge techniques –they are preventative through creating new inner resilient pathways. They also help by opening the door to higher level human capacities of creativity and intuition.

Release Energy Contraction in the Moment
Techniques that can help in the moment are ones that usually employ a more specialized approach…EFT, NLP, and Interactive Guided Imagery are examples of these. Learning to not resist pain, letting the energy flow to completion and being open to deeper purposes and meaning are skills that require willingness, practice, and courage.

Grief Points for Quick Release of Stuck Energy
A simple method to begin to get accustomed to releasing resistance and shifting into a new response circuitry is to locate and massage a grief point as you allow your emotion to simply be.

There are two grief points that are easy to use. One is located in the center of the chest in the same area as the heart chakra; the other is located about three inches in from the shoulder and below the collarbone. Each person is different so these points are general. Keep poking around until you find a tender spot and then begin to massage as you breathe deeply and relax around your tension/pain. You will probably find that your mind wants to get involved describing, complaining or analyzing. The more you can mentally go to neutral and simply stay in the moment without resisting it on any level the quicker will be your release from any discomfort.

Nonresistance Release Energy Contraction
Sometimes we need to allow energy to run its course without resisting it. This can be hard as we naturally do not want to feel pain on any level. Learning how to fully embody ourselves and be in touch with our subtle energy allows us not to be overwhelmed by pain so we can allow it to naturally find its completion point.

As we allow for this flow and release we often can uncover deeper meaning, knowledge or awareness that is locked by pain and resistance. As you practice being present to yourself without fear, deeper and deeper layers of embodiment and spiritual unfolding emerge…the gift in the present!