Energy and Consciousness: The energy referred to as consciousness is electromagnetic/information/light that is bound up within some aspect of the magnetic field of our planet.
Greg Braden, Awakening to Zero Point
Being in touch with energy opens new possibilities.
Being able to manage your energy enables you to consciously shift how you feel, think and experience life.
We are constantly taking in energy in a variety of ways: through our food, water, air and sunlight. We are also capable of taking in energy through other means: the chakras and other energy points scattered throughout the body.
Eastern and recently Western wisdom describes two main types of energy electrical and magnetic that run through our body and contribute to the function and qualities of our mind, body and spirit.
Electrical energy connects us to the vaster, universal network of energy. It is the source of our ideas and thoughts. Magnetic energy anchors us to the reality of the earth. This is essential for health, focus and concentration. Consciousness that is not attached to body is vague, dreamy, ungrounded; consciousness connected to body provides a dynamic energy flow.
Energy, Consciousness and Healing Operate by Different Rules
When we enter the world of energy healing/management and raising consciousness the rules change. They way we are used to operating in the external world are turned upside down. For instance, pushing, pulling, willing and even forcing may work in the “normal” world. However in the inner world, the world of energy and consciousness, those things are reversed. Allowing, letting go, surrendering, opening, creating spaciousness are more the rule of the day and require that we shift gears and learn to operate in a way that is not habitual or comfortable.
10 things that are helpful when learning about using energy and expanding consciousness:
1) What worked yesterday, may not work today.
2) Energy management is an ongoing process, not a single event.
3) Since it is a process, it means that you have to become comfortable with ambiguity.
4) When you are in a place of not knowing, it’s an OK place to be.
5) Energy work can be quick, but not necessarily.
6) Your beliefs can change with your experiences.
7) Integrating change can take time. You can have a major energetic shift that takes place in a second, yet it may take years to fully process it and integrate it into your life.
8) There are universal truths that are constant. Yet, personal truth can change with time and perspective. So, what was true for you yesterday may not be true today.
9) The void contacted beyond normal thought and average consciousness isn’t empty.
10) The greatest darkness within you has the potential of the greatest light.
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