Energy Tip for Energy Alignment: Twirl! Spinning in a clockwise (in the northern hemisphere–counterclockwise in the southern hemisphere) direction adjusts and strengthens your aura.
Our Auras are very sensitive to our inner and outer environments. Some of us are more sensitive than others. However most of us are affected by electronics, noise, conflict, negative people or environments.
Our energy can be impacted in a variety of ways, with the result of a lack of energy alignment…it feels somewhat like a shoe that our foot is not quite lining up with. We may feel this as a shift in mood or even a loss of energy or a sense of being out of sorts.
Our energy field is affected by our feelings and our feelings in turn affect our energy field. Bringing consciousness to our energy and integrating simple techniques to take charge of our energy alignment gives us more influence over how we feel and how we experience life.
Twirling for sixty seconds with your arms outstretched at shoulder height, left palm facing up and right palm facing down, in a clockwise direction helps realign your aura. This is a great tool to use at the start of the day, or anytime you begin to feel out of synch. Ending it with a grounding exercise helps to stabilize your effort. This is a great method to use to avoid jet lag too!
When our energy is in alignment, flowing freely with no obstruction we feel free of stress, at ease, and peaceful with abundant energy to engage fully in life, love and relationships.
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