What is Your Energetic Blueprint (Soul-Print)?

energetic blueprintWe each have our own energetic imprint. This means many things of course, but it is one aspect that is often overlooked when working with energy. We each are truly unique and have our own “soulprint.”

One way of viewing that is to realize that perhaps your energy is designed in such a way as to help you develop a particular quality or strength, have certain experiences, or express more of your “true self.” A correlate to that is that your unique energy pattern equips you well for the proper environment for you to demonstrate your special gifts.

Some people have very strong, mentally focused energy fields and find it very easy to move from one state to another using their power of mind and choice. Others have a very emotionally attuned field and will find it near impossible to enlist their mind to shift a difficult mood, feelings or their place in a relationship. They require tools that allow for processing of their emotions and erasure from the field before they are able to move on.

Some folks have very set fields which make them less influenced by environments, weather, others’ moods, energetic, verbal or emotional assaults. This is good if you are in a life stage or situation where you need to be focused, goal oriented and not terribly concerned with another’s opinion or even feelings.

Others have what is called a peripatetic field which is great for empathy, healing, counseling, intuition and teaching. The down side of this type of field is that it can mean a great deal of vulnerability to overwhelm, other peoples’ moods, thoughts etc. until one learns to work with it.

Of course most of us are a mix and not pure types but we do have a certain propensity in how our energy is arranged according to our default pattern. It takes awareness, self observation, insight and honesty to really know what is up with this level of energy. We can learn about these types of patterns through exploring books like Barbara Brennan’s Hands of Light or Carolyn Myss’ work “Anatomy of the Spirit” .

Another way is to look at your energy in real time via aura imaging biofeedback. I use this in my practice and also when I teach workshops. It is a wonderful tool that brings to life the concepts of energy and helps people to see their strengths and weaknesses in a way that offers solutions.

Another way you can begin to know more about your personal energy field is to take our free chakra test/energy assessment. This is available for download on the homepage of this website: https//www.karenkallie.com Knowing about energy on this level may sound complex but it is learning that can be taken in small segments to help you grow on your way and as with anything worthwhile, it’s worth the effort!

Being familiar with the quality of your field, in addition to the condition of your individual energy centers and what they represent helps you to be able to identify the best methods to make energy work for you in every facet of your life!

Once you identify which of your chakras has a disruption you can begin to remedy it through techniques such as those found on Guided Chakra Meditations or Balancing Your Chakras. Click here for more information or to purchase these downloadable programs. https://karenkallie.com/shop-2/

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