We would probably all agree that we would like to be more present in our lives and feel more connected, aware and not so scattered or disconnected. So what gets in the way?
Most common blocks to presence
Expectations ego, self talk, mind chatter
Getting caught in emotional turmoil
Focus on the rules of how one should be vs. how we are really feeling
Blaming others for our feelings or conditions vs. self responsibility
How can we become more present?
The following all require practice. Focusing on one area at a time is more productive than trying to do too much all at once.
Identify and clear emotional turmoil and do what is needed to clear it
Practice being heart focused and release mind chatter
Uncover core beliefs that block your free and easy presence
Release judgment, analysis and inner commentary re: people and situations
Practice non resistance. Being in flow is to be responsive to life unfolding
Learn to open to that free and clear space beyond the busy mind
Remain with what is, let it teach you VS escaping into default patterns
Adding an energetic approach
All the above tips do include energy management at some level. However we can add a more direct application of energetic principles.
When we are present with reality it can be painful! Our energy naturally tends to contract when faced with pain or stress. This only makes whatever we are experiencing worse. If we practice opening our energy filed, creating a sense of spaciousness rather than contracting our energy, the energy will dissipate and we can be in the now moment with an attitude of acceptance that can lead to new awareness and even resolution of whatever has caused our discomfort.
Note: acceptance does not mean you must stay in awful situations or with people who are offensive. Vote with your feet! Notice and clear what blocks you from doing so.
All of the above is an ongoing process…be kind and gentle with yourself as you align with new energy, develop stronger spiritual muscles, and more joyous brain pathways. Focus on how good it feels to be in a new space internally. We need to work on clearing but it is just as important to open to new energy and learn how to embody it and flow with new patterns.
Approach whatever changes you wish to make with a light, curious attitude. even though a lot of inner work can be serious it does not have to be spirit or soul deadening–after all what you are trying to do is to bring the lightness of spirit more into your physical vehicle and open to the flow of more peace, joy and harmony.
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