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Empowering Change Through Energy Management

Empowering change and energy management
Energy and consciousness provide new tools for facilitating change, empower the process and eliminate a lot of the fear and struggle often encountered with change.
When “working” with energy and consciousness for empowering change, we are not attracting our desires to us as much as we are aligning with new resonant energy patterns that are available in a larger field of consciousness. Working with our minds, imaginations and personal energy systems we connect with these patterns, integrate them and make them our own and then outwardly express them. In essence we are cultivating the resonance of whatever new pattern is desired – becoming the energetic embodiment of it.

Empowering change through opening to your whole Self
We are more than our normal human consciousness. Spiritual philosophy teaches that we are spiritual beings in a human body.  To understand this viewpoint, think about the relationship of a wave to the ocean. A wave rises up out of the ocean…has its own distinctive signature and yet its fundamental makeup and properties are still those of the sea—even with its individual shape and mass, the wave never loses its fundamental connection to the whole. It rises up out of the ocean with its unique expression of power, shape and movement…and in a rhythmic flow, in time returns to the ocean. And so it is with us… We are individual expressions of universal energy and as such share its properties, characteristics and capacities. We are comprised of varying levels of frequency.

Empowering change and Quantum Physics
Quantum Physics informs us that we and everything in our universe are more than just a collection of freestanding, solid objects. This new physics validates the age-old wisdom that we and everything in the universe – from dense material objects to light, airy ideas and dreams to intense emotions of despair and love – are made-up of energy. Our very consciousness is energy. We are literally in touch with everything in our world and each other through our energy field.

Everyone’s energy field is unique and constantly changing depending on a variety of factors, including our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs of the moment. The energy patterns we create, also bring about physiological changes and in a profound and fascinating way determine our perceptions, as well as influence what comes into our lives. We can fully engage in this process by becoming conscious of how to work with it.

Next post: 3 Steps to using energy to empower change