
Electromagnetism: What You Need to Know

Electromagnetism, Quality and Function of Body, Mind and Spirit
Eastern – and recently Western – wisdom describes two main types of energy – electrical and magnetic – that run through our body and contribute to the function and qualities of our mind, body and spirit.

Electrical energy connects us to the vaster, universal network of energy. It is the source of our ideas and thoughts. Magnetic energy anchors us to the reality of the earth. This is essential for health, focus and concentration. Consciousness that is not attached to body is vague, dreamy, ungrounded; consciousness connected to body provides a dynamic energy flow.

Electrical and magnetic energy traverse our body through three main channels. One channel carries electrical energy downward from the crown of our head; another moves magnetic energy upward from our feet; and a third transports energy through the center of the body, from the base of the spine to the crown of our head.

Research Documents Effects of Imbalances in Electromagnetism in Individuals
Dr. Hunt and physicists at UCLA conducted experiments in a Mu room[1] 4 that showed more specifically the properties of electrical versus magnetic energy. As in her previous experiments, Dr. Hunt attached standard EMG electrodes to her volunteer subjects’ chakra points, and then connected the electrodes to sophisticated telemetry equipment. As she monitored the data from the equipment, she asked the subjects to give audio accounts of their states, and she asked an aura reader to report her observations.

In her book, Infinite Mind: Science of Human Vibrations of Consciousness, Dr. Hunt reported, “The findings were amazing. When the electrical aspect of the atmosphere in the room was withdrawn, leaving less electrical energy, the auric fields became randomly disorganized, scattered and incoherent. Sensory feedback was so impaired that subjects were totally unaware of the location of their bodies in space. The aura reader described the energy as no longer flowing but rather as jumping between people and chakras. Inside the body, she saw energy flowing in an extensive mesh network, described as a fishnet energy flow that did not correspond with meridian pathways. We believed it was flowing through the connective tissue which binds cells together.

Upon further observation, Dr. Hunt noticed that, when the subjects did not have a supply of electromagnetic energy from the air, the interaction between them increased, and they drew on each others’ energies, which weakened both of the subjects’ auras. Their auras then became disorganized, and they began to sob. Their bodies reacted as though they were in danger; they lost their sense of boundaries, and their body image disappeared. It was as though each person’s aura was looking for another electromagnetic field with which to interact. When the proper energy was restored to the field, all returned to normal.

When the magnetism of the room was decreased, subjects became neurologically impaired. They could not balance or perform simple physical maneuvers. Predictably, when the magnetic energy was increased, the subjects’ physical functions improved. Dr. Hunt found that, the greater the concentration of magnetism, the greater the improvement in coordination and movement.

A Balanced Flow of Electromagnetism
We need both electrical and magnetic currents in a smooth up and down flow through our systems. Without the upward flow we cannot grow and change. We become locked in routines, live unconsciously, and move through life in dull, boring and robotic ways. Without grounding we are aimless, empty, and unable to materialize, commit or complete things.  When we are cut off from grounding we lose our bodily experience and individuality. Then it becomes easy for misinformation, conditioning, and indoctrination to invalidate our own consciousness. We doubt what we see and feel—our own awareness. Our instincts and memory become disconnected.  When this happens it is as though one part of us is split off from the others. However, another part of our field stores the information. This is essentially repression: our bodies have memories that our minds have forgotten. Consciousness brought to the body can activate long forgotten memories of our experience. Conversely, sensation can be returned to the body when attention is focused on mental material such as dreams, images and beliefs. Streaming of energy returns to the body when a key issue is focused on—a previously numbed portion returns to life.

What are the Benefits Free Flow of Electromagnetism ?
A free flow of energy up and down through our systems also facilitates the ability to clearly and strongly develop the functions of creativity, intuition and a real, felt spiritual experience. (as opposed to just a belief)  Other aspects of these currents are the qualities we associate with the masculine and feminine: the active and receptive principles of function both within ourselves and the world. 
In order to be truly balanced we must have an adequate supply and flow of both these types of energy.   This seems to be similar to blending of strands of gold and silver to create an amalgam that is stronger and more useful than one strand alone. This is the sacred marriage often spoken of in spiritual literature, the cosmic union.

How Balanced Electromagnetism Benefits You
As Dr. Hunt’s research shows, it important that we balance our electrical and magnetic energy flows to achieve optimal physical and mental health. Because we are, essentially, spiritual beings within physical bodies, we must attend to all parts of ourselves appropriately and not overdevelop one aspect to the exclusion of another.
We all know people who are so concrete and grounded that they have a difficult time getting new ideas or envisioning a concept. These people would benefit from strengthening their spiritual (electrical) energies. Conversely, we all know people who have no problem getting ideas or envisioning reality, but they have a very difficult time bringing their ideas to fruition. These people would benefit from strengthening their grounding (magnetic) current.

Focus and Developing Electromagnetic Energies
When developing your energies, it is important that you don’t “over-do” it; otherwise, you can err in the other direction.  For example, if you meditate using a technique that focuses attention in the upper part of your body, it increases spiritual energy, but also encourages an ungrounded state. This type of focus on a single point, increases the vibrations in the upper part of your body, and decreases the vibrations in your glands, muscles and nerves. At a certain point, the vibrations in the upper part of your body increase rapidly, accumulate and pour out the top of your head so your perception is no longer linked to your physical body. This is what’s called “an out of body experience.” When this happens, your memory becomes limited or absent. Although this may be desirable depending on your meditation goals, it is important that you know how to fully return to your body so that your energy can nourish your cells, develop your inner self, and allow you to positively relate with others.

4A Mu room is a shielded room where the electromagnetic energy of the air can be altered without changing gravity or the oxygen content.