
How to move out of ego into peace and wholeness

Ego-Mind and the Heart Chakra
The lower self or ego-mind correlates with the first three chakras. Unbalanced energies there manifest in preoccupations anchored in fear, misdirected passion, power struggles and identity problems.

Developing the Observer Self and the Heart Chakra we can heal the lower chakra energies and move into higher states of consciousness.

The heart chakra provides the possibility of connecting with wholeness, learning self love and acceptance and embracing the duality of life. We can then let go of the separatism of the ego with its judgments of good and bad, black and white. It is in the heart that we have the ability to move beyond the judgment and analysis of the intellect into acceptance, compassion and wisdom.

Observer Self and Consciousness
Development of the Observer Self is of great help in moving from lower chakra preoccupation (ego-outer world) to the deeper and broader perspectives facilitated through the heart chakra. This is not just a change in ideas about things; it is a shift in the level of consciousness to a more inclusive, deeply felt connection with self, other and life itself. It is essentially a change from living in a reactive way to the outer environment to living from the inside in a more compassionate and proactive empowered way.

Living more from this space results in a greater state of coherence of our energy, more inner peace and greater stillness of mind that allows for more conscious creation in our lives.

Higher awareness comes with practice
This shift is not an event, but a process that takes place over time. The process proceeds more rapidly as we clear lower chakra issues and practice bringing in the frequencies of higher awareness. Development of the Observer Self helps to be better able to move into higher awareness at will.

Meditative practice and direct work with our energy system helps expand the ability to dwell in this state, and there is an eventual shift so that more and more of life can be experienced from this perspective.