Do You Feel the Vibe?

You are already experiencing energy

Many people comment to me that they do not sense energy and would like to know how to do so. It is like any new skill, we need to have a bit of information, some guidance and then practice, practice, practice!

The truth is that we are always experiencing energy–and managing it–moving it around, sending it out toward the past or future, dissipating it through fear, worry or unresolved emotions. Because we do not understand it we cannot use it to our benefit—one of the pieces The Secret left out!

An energetic perspective is fundamentally a shift in awareness. Each of us can access energy as well as use it to find our answers within. It is a matter of tuning into ourselves our bodies, our minds, our spirits and our environment become familiar with our inner landscape and learn to identify the clues and patterns that will enable us to lead our lives in the best possible way. It is only by attuning to deeper aspects of ourselves that we can truly be in charge, claim our power and have positive influence over where our energy goes and what we attract.

Begin to develop energy awareness

Look around you and truly notice as much as you can. Begin to develop a more direct experience with things, people and events—feel them rather than think about them.

What happens in your daily life? Is it the same pattern day after day? Do you love it? Do you want to change it?

If so, what would you like to be different?

Begin to focus on the images and feelings of your ideal life and spend time visualizing it everyday.

Bringing your attention and intention to your goals enlivens them, infuses them with energy helps move waves of possibility into the particles of probability and then to reality!

Also, through bringing attention and intention to thoughts, feelings and images that you enjoy helps to dissolve those problem neural bundles and create new pathways from which to create and enjoy your life!


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