Do You Experience Energy?

Clairvoyantly observed chakra depictions
Clairvoyantly observed chakra depictions (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We are continually in touch with our world and others through our energy field

For example:

Have you ever sensed someone’s presence without having seen or heard them?

Have you either been drained or filled with energy after spending time with someone?

Have you ever felt someone staring at you even though your back was turned?

Have you ever felt a person come close and felt they were invading your space?

Then you have experienced the workings of your energy field!

Human Energy System
Ancient texts have described humans as being composed of several layers of energy superimposed on one another. Only recently has technology been able to confirm this knowledge. We now have a model of human anatomy and physiology that embraces energetic concepts, one that provides a more comprehensive way to understand ourselves as well as a means to create positive change in our lives.

There are many aspects to the human energy system; however, we will confine our discussion to the chakra system. There are chakras all over the body but principally they are located in the midline of the body, palms of the hands, soles of the feet, and in each joint. The chakras that we will be focusing on are the seven major ones in the midline of the body. Chakras are the organs of the subtle energy system but they are not concrete like our other organs. Chakras are best understood as vortexes of electromagnetic energy. These pools of energy move around the nerve plexus that are in the same spaces as the endocrine glands. (Refer to the diagram in the energy assessment section.)

The seven major chakras each contribute a layer of energy to what is commonly known as the human aura. Each of the chakras is responsible for a particular physical, psychological, and spiritual aspect of our functioning. They also seem to operate as encoding or storage devices for our life experiences.

When any one energy center is disrupted or damaged, that aspect of the field’s frequency is affected resulting in a disturbance of energy. These disturbances can be transmitted to other layers of the field, causing them to malfunction as well. Disruptions cause the equivalent of leaks, improper flow, and obstruction of energy in what should be a free flowing system. The result is that the energy field weakens and fatigue sets in. Over time, this weakening can cause mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical dysfunction. These distortions in the field prevent us from radiating our potential fully and completely. They prevent an experience of ourselves as whole and healthy, and compromise our capacity to relate positively to others.

Environmental and genetic influences play a part in the inherent strength or weakness of the energy field, but our minds have an enormous capacity to influence our system as well. In fact the mind can even override innate weaknesses.

We unconsciously pattern and shape our energy continually. Our habitual thoughts, emotions and beliefs strongly determine the shape and pattern of our energy. This affects our nervous system and ultimately our biochemistry, which in turn creates changes in our physical state. A feedback loop is then created between our physical, and our mental, and emotional states. This feedback loop influences and unbalances our energy further. If we understand the characteristics, unconscious patterning, and reactivity of our energy system, we can consciously intervene in this cycle to create positive dynamics within our minds and bodies.
Fortunately learning to be in touch with and manage your personal energy brings about powerful change from the inside out. As a result, you are able to release what has hindered you and consciously create more of what you DO want in your life . Attention to your personal energy –inner and outer– allows you to acquire the ability to ride the waves of life gracefully, with resiliency, “stress hardiness,” and a balanced spiritual strength that leads to a healthier way of being on every level.

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