Creativity, Power Struggles, Will and Consciousness

Mountain View 356 (Small)Throat_ChakraThe main functions of the throat chakra are: communication, maturation of will, power of choice, metabolism, and the regulation of calcium

The throat chakra develops around the age of 15 years old.

Whenever there is active development of a chakra’s energy we see activity related to that chakra in the outer world.

With the throat chakra we see this manifested in teenagers of this age being on the phone with their friends a lot. In fact pretty constantly! Parents often wonder why they must continue to talk even when they have just spent time together. It is not the exchange of ideas or information that is the point of these conversations; the goal is actually the process of communicating. It is like an itch they simply must scratch!

Another area that is blossoming at this time is the desire to find one’s voice and exert one’s will.

Of course this is another tricky area because the playing field where this occurs is generally the family and its rules and standards that are brought up for challenge.

It is also interesting to note that we pass through this territory again in midlife. At that time our issues with voice, will and power are expressed and grappled with on a different playing field than our teen pass through this area, but the overarching principles are the same.

We seek to regain the voice we have lost or modify the voice we have to reflect our changing sense of self and the results of decades of experience.

In terms of our will, the highest expression of this chakra is to find the means to align our will with a higher will. This is not, as many demonstrate an abdication of responsibility, passing off what is ours and a challenge and assigning it over as the will of God, Higher Power, the Angels or Spirit. This is a challenging area–to be able to develop the consciousness to discern ego needs/personal will, from a higher consciousness that is seeking development and expression through us.

Related to this transformation of will is the creative impulse of this chakra. This creative impulse has to do with bringing through manifestations that carry the vibration of the Divine and not merely those human desires.

We are most familiar with this kind of dynamic when we feel inspired by a force that is experienced as beyond our normal thinking mind.

This is the kind of inspired flow that makes you feel as if a creation just flows out of you without stress, strain or struggle.

Through working with your energy system you can prime the pump so to speak and place yourself in this dynamic flow more reliably and frequently.

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