self awareness

Creativity: Energy Solutions for Facing Life Challenges

Creativity flows when energy is free flowing and coherent and we can live from our center. Creativity helps us to navigate times of uncertainty with more grace, ease and originality. Creativity provides us with a stream of energy, ideas and solutions that we can trust to face life’s challenges.

Now more than ever we need reminders and the means to be able to live from a centered place within! The chaos of the world challenges all to find creative solutions for life and living in a whole new environment.

The tendency toward fear of our conscious/normal waking mind does not allow for creativity, resiliency or anything that is really terribly useful to rise to most challenges let alone the foundation shattering forces that we may meet on our journey through life.

Developing a meditation practice and subtle energy competency helps build the internal infrastructure that allow you to remain centered and grounded providing you with the capacity to generate creative solutions, have the courage to implement them and not fall prey to fear!

“When we align with the law of impermanence we discover the security of our center. We abide in the present in the one moment’. And that is a golden condition. The natural condition.” Frederick Woodruff

Our recorded programs 12 Keys for Life and Self Mastery can help you through challenging times with a comprehensive approach of information, guidance and techniques on how to work with energy and consciousness to open to higher creativity and develop peace of mind.

12 Keys for Life Mastery gives you:
A toolkit for life
Approaches to relax the body and quiet the mind
Methods for centering and grounding
Tools for real change from the inside out
Secrets to energy management and consciousness
Techniques to live from authentic power


Lessons on:
Activating intuition
Achieving clarity, focus, concentration
Energy techniques for releasing stress
Discovering the power of your authentic self
Connecting with deep inner peace and happiness
How to use consciousness and energy for success
Creating Health, Mental Strength and Emotional Balance

To learn more:




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