One great advantage of being alive is that I can learn, grow and change!
Each morning I get a Cosmic Do-Over.
If I choose, my slate can be wiped clean. I can have a new canvas to write my life upon. This canvas provides space which while blank of the collective debris of my hurts, losses, sorrows, anger, guilt and shame is invisibly supported by my accumulated learning and wisdom.
How many years have I wandered with€¦
No eyes to truly see
No ears to really hear
No touch to surely know
No honest sense of soul
Wake up, see, feel, and hear, touch€¦Sense this moment NOW!
In the center of my inner world there is a waterfall of shining light that can wash clean all the debris of the world weariness, confusion, fear, doubt and pain€¦.a golden waterfall that can heal my heart replenish my spirit, and nourish my soul.
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