Chakras–the Cliff Notes : how they operate and contribute in the creation and experience of our lives.
A well developed energy system rests on a solid foundation of Root chakra energy that provides nourishment for the rest of the system. Flexibility is possible because there is an inner sense of safety and security.
The second or Sacral chakra also contributes to flexibility. Free flowing appropriate emotion adds fluidity to the personality. If passion and a healthy sense of deserving are contained in the sacral center, then there is receptivity to good flowing into one’s life.
The Solar Plexus chakra is where pride is overcome and a healthy ego can emerge. This is the center where personal power and responsibility is claimed. As a result, a strong sense of an individual Self (one who can stand separate and different, if need be, from the group mind or familial beliefs, thoughts and ways of approaching the world) can flower along with strength, honesty and personal integrity.
The Heart Center adds ability for empathy and responsiveness to others. A healthy heart holds both the capacity for love of Self and other.
The Throat Chakra provides the capability to speak one’s truth … to communicate with others and to bridge to higher realities and creativity.
The Brow brings intellect and insight as well as inner sight and imagination. Here we gain the skill to learn from mistakes and from others.
The Crown enhances the whole with a sense of something beyond mere human existence and provides the way to link to our higher nature.
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