personal energy system

Chakra System Blocks Lead to Stress, Powerlessness and Ill Health

Chakra Blocks lead to an excess or deficiency of free flowing energy
Energy Excess or Deficiency Leads to Stress And Powerlessness

Your energy is your power. Binding it or dissipating it contributes to a fundamental state of powerlessness.

Deficient energy in a chakra produces avoidant behavior patterns. Excessive energy is typically expressed as overcompensation of some kind.

How Chakra Blocks are Created

Coping through an increase (excess energy) is manifested as overcompensation usually out of underlying fear or weakness. We see this in those who dominate situations and people. On the surface this may look like a powerful approach. However, internally the excessive energy required to accomplish this behavioral style tends to stagnate and eventually creates a health problem.

A decrease in energy or a freezing response is a strategy that results in withdrawal to avoid conflict or challenge. This deficient energy state produces feelings of inadequacy, being unable to cope or have what it takes to work through situations. Retreat is a common consequence that creates emptiness, restriction, and feelings of uselessness.


Blockages, deficiencies, or excesses can occur in any one of the chakras and stop the smooth flow of energy in and out, or up and down throughout the body. Blocks in our energy system result from too many protons collected in one place, impeding the electron flow through the channels. Using our inner senses to consciously circulate energy helps to release the blocks. As the blocks are released and clear open channels are established, our mind and body can heal, grow strong and resilient. A regular practice that addresses energy circulation can help prevent blocks. In cases where illness is already present, conscious circulation of energy can enhance other treatments and lessen healing time.

Vertical currents of energy in the body run through the meridians. Energy in the chakras moves on a horizontal plane. Disruption of flow in these energy centers creates blocks or distortions in reception and expression of a chakra’s qualities, purpose, or function.

Excerpt from Fully Human Fully Alive pg 44.
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