chakra balance

Chakra Balance Influences Emotions and Well Being

Chakra balance influences emotional well being through frequency, flow and amount of energy. The health and quality of energy present in the chakras and aura profoundly affect how we feel emotionally. In health the energy of each chakra is online and available for use as is necessary.
Chakras are electromagnetic spaces. They are pools of energy. They can be thought of as the organs of our energy system. Each chakra adds a layer of frequency to our aura (energy field). Each layer of energy represents an aspect of our consciousness. We each have an energetic signature just as we have a unique thumbprint. Our energetic signature represents our individuality.
The aura is impacted and affected by life experience for good or ill. The negative effects on our energy field will be minor if we are conscious and capable of managing energy. If we are unconscious then we are not managing our energy and the results will not be in our best interest.  Knowing how to manage energy consciously helps to ease our way through life, creates resiliency, enhances health and makes for a happier disposition!

Chakra Balancing Influences Emotions as Seen Through Aura Imaging

Using Aura Imaging has been very beneficial for me personally and professionally. It has helped me validate for myself and for my clients our subtle knowing, the ancient teachings and modern research about energy, people’s interactions and reactions to life and living.
One example is what is observed in those who operate predominately from the first three chakras. When I see someone with a strong focus on the lower chakras they will speak about their experiences in a totally different way than those with more of a concentration of upper chakra activity.
The former group members tend  to have more resilient fields and are not as strongly impacted  by external forces (outside influences, others’ opinions, negative stimuli) as those who operate more from the upper chakras and therefore more porous fields (empaths).
Both groups will report issues that are related to their imbalance and that is seen on aura imaging. Once they see and understand the relationship of their problems to the energetic imbalances they are more motivated to take action to care for themselves.

Chakra balance is necessary within each chakra and in the whole field

There is a gift and a problem for each of these groups. For each of them their strength has a weakness in it. The upper chakra group tends to meditates easily, be more attuned to beauty, spirituality, other people’s emotions, and compassion. However they struggle with the material world.
The lower chakra group are less perturbed by outside influences, and in general finds it easier to interface with the material world. They do however have a hard time slowing down, being in touch with subtler realms of life and connecting with others in a truly compassionate way.
So in the end it is all about balance for both groups. If only we could learn from each other!

In relationships we can be strongly attracted to people who carry the very vibrations that we need to balance our own energy fields. However, we often have great difficulty with these same people! We are on such different wavelengths and that makes it difficult to be open and communicate with each other.

Centering and grounding, attuning and aligning energy aids in chakra balancing and emotional well being

Empaths benefit from grounding and cultivating the energies of the lower three chakras. Those with already strong lower chakra energies benefit from learning to slow down, make friends with silence and opening their upper chakras.

Chakra Balance Influences Emotions: the Bottom Line!

Essentially we all need all of the frequencies to effectively operate in the world. We may have a preferred style but need all chakras open and operational. In the video below you will see a person who starts out with the lower chakras predominating. However they can relax and let go to move up into the upper chakras accessing the frequencies of deep peace and relaxation. This is the realm of intuition, spiritual experience and guidance.
Then this person is able to come back from that space and activate the lower chakras —a safer place to navigate the material world from. No matter what our preferred pattern, we all need to have the ability to play all the notes with our instrument!

Energy awareness allows us to be centered within ourselves, to grow and develop with greater ease and have improved health on all levels. A side benefit is we lose our judgments of those who are different from us. Inner peace and acceptance spills out into the universe as we acquire it within.