Category: Uncategorized
Health & Wellness Celebration
Health & Wellness Celebration [caption id="attachment_13734" align="alignleft" width="266"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Letting Go
How can you know when you have unprocessed life experiences or emotions hiding and building up within you?Holding
Sacral Chakra: Emotional Intelligence and Power
The Sacral Chakra is located in the pelvis approximately three finger widths below the navel and it develops between 3 and 8 years of age. With proper support at this stage we learn about feelings and how to express and manage them. With adequate guidance, modeling and mirroring a healthy sense of entitlement (deserving) and…
Is a Lack of Grounding Keeping You From Achieving Your Goals?
Change always triggers the energy in our root chakra. Since we are in such a time of great change globally, it is fairly safe to assume that each of us will have some issue going on in our lives that is challenging our root chakra energy. A bit of introspection and discovery can help us…