Category: Self Care

  • Negative Emotions and the Caregiver

    Monday, July 19, 2010 at 10 A.M. on Caregiver Corner we will be talking about how to manage the negative emotions that can arise during the caregiver experience. What are these emotions, where do they come from and what can you do about them? Listen to internet radio with CAREGIVER CORNER on Blog Talk Radio

  • Clearing and Opening Your Energy System

    Being out in nature is a wonderful way to clear and cleanse, as well as to build our energy. In the winter months we are indoors more and lose a valuable means of cultivating healthy energy. Sunlight, fresh air and contact with all the natural elements all help to increase and maintain energy especially if…

  • The Art and Science of the Self-Part 1

    We are fortunate to live at a time in history when there is so much knowledge and so many well researched tools that can help us to realize more of our potential and improve our quality of life. The last few decades have brought many new discoveries and concepts regarding how to heal, expand consciousness,…

  • Changing Paradigms in Healthcare

    Join us on March 22, 2010 @ 10 A.M. for our radio show where the topic for discussion will be Changing Paradigms in Health care. The present time is one of tremendous transition and the emergence of new models and roles for humanity. Taking personal responsibility for your health and overall well-being is a huge…

  • Self Care for the Caregiver

    Our Living Energy radio show focus for February is Self Care for the Caregiver. February is a wonderful month to remind each of us to love ourselves and to take care of ourselves, particularly if you care for others. Monday we will be talking about The Care Giver Network. Some of the topics we will…