Category: energy

  • An Energy Called Fear

    F.E.A.R. False Evidence Appearing Real FEAR! False? Not real? How can we say that? Everyone knows we all feel fear and it’s real! What this acronym hints at is that there is a lot of fear that is unnecessary….perhaps most! According to Eckhart Tolle, author of The Power of Now, fear is always a projection…

  • Effective Energy Managment

    “€¦until we consciously learn to override the pervasive low frequencies in which we exist, we will keep recycling unpleasant outcomes into our lives day after tiresome day. Just like swimming in salt water, if we don’t wash off the residue, sooner or later it’s going to make us mighty uncomfortable.” Lynn Grabhorn, Excuse Me, Your…

  • Building & Strengthening Energy

    Common sense methods help to build and strengthen our energy. Sunlight, exercise, fresh air, healthy food, eating less and more frequently are all general approaches we can use to impact our energy in a positive way. In addition, methods such as Aromatherapy, Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and breathwork are more specific practices that contribute…

  • Clearing and Opening Your Energy System

    Being out in nature is a wonderful way to clear and cleanse, as well as to build our energy. In the winter months we are indoors more and lose a valuable means of cultivating healthy energy. Sunlight, fresh air and contact with all the natural elements all help to increase and maintain energy especially if…