Category: energy

  • Open Heart = More Energy

    From 12 Keys for Life and Self Mastery… The four concepts we have been discussing €“ the magic of surrender, developing an attitude of acceptance, letting go of regrets and suspending judgment €“ are all interconnected. Recognize that when you experience regret or when you judge others, you are blocking access to your energy, weakening…

  • Enhancing Energy

    What are some of the ways you can build energy in order to have a reservoir that nurtures and supports you as you care for others? How can you put more energy enhancing moments into your days? How can you eliminate the energy drains in your life? How can you protect yourself from negative energetic…

  • Cultivating Creative Power Part II

    You can make room for The Creative to develop within you by letting go of inferior habits and thoughts €¦ anything that doesn’t serve you or benefit your highest good. Such habits would include judgments about other people, careless words and thoughts, lack of compassion, intolerance, frantic actions and more. Cultivate integrity, goodness, patience and…

  • Manage Stress by Cultivating Creative Power

    There are many ways to reduce and manage stress. I find it gets exhausting if I am always focused on trying to fight it, or conquor it. A very powerful approach that has really helped me to have a healthier attitude and approach to stress is to side step the idea of combating it and…

  • Change for Good!

    A nice viewpoint for 2012 rather than fear… “The Call” from keith wyatt on Vimeo.