Category: energy
Energy R Us: Actions to Consciously Shift Your Energy
One of the keys to living well is to live consciously by choosing where you will place your energy and your intentions
Infinite Energy: Antidote to Stress
We experience our lives through our energy systems. When things feel good we tend to allow our energy to flow, to be connected to the infinite energy available to us…we think and feel in positive ways and experience vitality. When something negative or unpleasant occurs we tend to shut down…in our minds and our hearts……
Simple Seasonal Attitude Adjustment!
One way to move out of a slump is to acknowledge your feelings, really feel them without holding on to them. Sometimes just letting feelings be, taking the label off, relaxing, breathing, letting go of resistance can be all that is needed. After all it is resistance that causes pain. This process of acknowledging your…
Feeling Good in Stressful Times
We live life moment by moment; the huge awards, recognition, and great ordeals; are not daily fare. While it is wonderful to celebrate those and enjoy them, there is something about feeling the emotions of gratitude and appreciation that connects you to the deeper rhythms of life and offers more juice, feeling and vitality—the real…
Healing: Your Secret Ally
Proper alignment and attunement of the energies of body, mind and spirit provide us with a clear and present awareness. This awareness allows you to know what is good for you, as well as to attract to you those things that assist you to be happy and healthy.