Category: energy
EFT: How and Why EFT Helps Heal Physically and Psychologically
EFT is an excellent tool for both therapy and self help. It is highly effective and easily learned.
How to Realign Disorganized, Inefficient Energy
A quick and easy strategy for combatting stress, disorganization and ineffectiveness.
On Being: Energy and Authenticity
When we are authentically ourselves we enter a flow and strong vibrant energy courses through us providing the possibility of just being.
Subtle Energy Flow is the Basis for Love, Safety and Security
We must attend to both our human and spiritual natures to be whole, healthy and happy
Healthy subtle energy: A Foundation for Health, Mental and Emotional Balance
Healthy Subtle Energy Flows Like a River Our energy is always expanding or contracting, blocked or flowing. For a moment imagine a free flow of energy sweeping through you like a river that is free to flow through the landscape. Feel what it would be like to BE this river, at first meandering, then rushing…
Consciously managing subtle energy brings peace to chaos
Consciously managing subtle energy is managing your power. It is the vehicle for bringing thoughts into form, ideas into reality. Consciously managing subtle energy is a powerful way to effectively reduce stress, enhance health, manifest dreams, and experience inner peace. Being in touch with your subtle energy is the deepest way you can know yourself,…