Category: energy
Chakra Health, Stress and Well-Being
Chakra Health is Related to Mental, Emotional and Physical Function A foundation of Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology as well as of the ancient health traditions of the East is the concept that the strength, flow and frequencies of your energy system influence your mental, emotional and physical states with chronic negative patterns resulting in…
Energy Flow and Chakras: Influence on Health, and Well- Being
This post talks about the various ways the aura is impacted by our life experience as well as how impaired auras and chakra affect our moods, thought process and physical well being. [caption id="attachment_13235" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Vibration in Relationship: What You Need to Know for the Holidays
Vibration in Relationships With holiday gatherings coming up it seems like a good time to think a bit about our vibration in relationship with others. Have you ever wondered why you feel so differently with the various people in your life? Why is it so easy with your best friend and so difficult with a…
Conscious Energy Management Re-Energizes and Reduces Stress
Conscious energy management reduces stress, releases fear and expands consciousness with no heavy lifting! We often speak about the importance of centering and grounding energy as a key way to reduce anxiety and stress as well as a means of maintaining your energy supply. Those methods are two important keys to laying the foundation for…
Boundaries, Holidays and Energy Vampires:Staying Sane and Healthy
These are all very common reactions to having been vamporized.
How is Aura Energy Affected by Your Inner and Outer Environment?
Aura Energy Determines Physical. Emotional and Mental Well Being The state of our energy has a lot to do with our health, how we feel and experience our lives. When our energy is strong, free flowing and of optimal frequency we feel wonderful, resilient with an ability to manage our lives from a position of…