Category: energy
Deep Relaxation Releases Stress and Promotes Mind-Body Health
Relaxation 101 helps you to release the physical, mental and emotional buildup of stress, develop greater focus and concentration and enter into more spacious feelings of ease no matter what the outer circumstances . We are living in a time when it is more important than ever to pay attention to the levels of stress…
Quantum Focusing Coaching
“How to get Unstuck” Quantum Focusing A Six-Step Coaching Program Quantum Focusing draws on the latest discoveries and practices from Behavioral Medicine, Mind-Body Medicine, Energy Psychology, Spirituality, and Quantum Physics. Quantum Focusing is a: Tried and true process for self-development and spiritual growth Blend of inner tools, spiritual practice, creative stress management and Quantum Physics Spiritual…
Chakra Balance Influences Emotions and Well Being
Chakra balance influences emotional well being through frequency, flow and amount of energy. The health and quality of energy present in the chakras and aura profoundly affect how we feel emotionally. In health the energy of each chakra is online and available for use as is necessary. Chakras are electromagnetic spaces. They are pools of…
How Does Letting Go Benefit Your Energy, Health and Success?
Letting Go and Coherence “Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.” ― Ann Landers Coherence (clarity, ease and flow) of our energy field helps us to feel better,…
Subtle Energy is Your Source of Personal Power
Subtle Energy: Energy Excess/Deficiency? Our energy is our power. Binding it or dissipating contributes to powerlessness. To cope with stress we are inclined to increase, decrease or freeze our energy. An increase or excess of subtle energy to cope is manifested as a pattern of overcompensation for fear or weakness. We see this in people…
Abundant, Free Flowing, Coherent Energy: Antidote to Stress
Stress and the Flow of Energy When we are stressed or threatened, our flow of energy is increased to prepare us for fight or flight. If neither of these is possible or chosen, we override the impulse even though the body has been energized. Repetition of situations that we cannot overcome results in living with…