Category: Chakras
Evaluating Intuition and the Brow Chakra
Here are some questions that can help you evaluate the state of your brow chakra and its function.
Chakra System Blocks Lead to Stress, Powerlessness and Ill Health
Chakra Blocks lead to an excess or deficiency of free flowing energyEnergy Excess or Deficiency Leads to Stress And Powerlessness Your energy is your power. Binding it or dissipating it contributes to a fundamental state of powerlessness. Deficient energy in a chakra produces avoidant behavior patterns. Excessive energy is typically expressed as overcompensation of some…
Subtle Energy Skills for Self Care, Stress Reduction and Healing
Subtle energy skills provide more options for self care while they also help more effectively go to the root of a problem to eliminate it. Sensing Subtle EnergyWe all sense subtle energy, although we may not always realize it. People called clairvoyants are especially gifted with the ability to see subtle energy. And while it…
Chakra System: Blending Spiritual and Human Energies
The chakra system is the hard wiring that enables development of all our physical, mental and emotional abilities. How does our Crown Chakra add to our capacity as spiritual beings in a human body? Chakra System: How Crown Chakra Supports During ChangeDuring times of change a healthy crown chakra can provide us with an experience…
Turning Concepts into Reality
Excerpt From Ch 8 12 Keys for Life and Self MasteryNow available as pdf download APPLYING ALCHEMY Turning Concepts into Reality Power is in Being … not in knowing. This is an important key concept for creating. We have said before that conceptual knowledge is not enough to turn desire into reality; intellectual understanding is…
Identifying Blocks and Balancing Throat Chakra Energy
Signs of Impairment of Throat Chakra When our Throat Chakra energy is impaired we may not honestly articulate our truth, or do so in a half hearted way. There may also be a tendency to put up a brave front and not speak about inner hurt, pain or turmoil. Obviously this stymies communication, but it…