Category: Chakras
Three Ways to Enhance Intuition
Three Ways to Enhance Intuition[caption id="attachment_10695" align="alignleft" width="225"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
7 Questions to Assess Communication Issues
This post contains questions that can help make conscious issues affecting communication, connecting to higher will and creativity and speaking one’s Truth.[caption id="attachment_10638" align="alignleft" width="360"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Change, Communication and Higher Will
We’ve been exploring the chakras as they relate to change in our lives. Now we arrive at the Throat Chakra and look at it’s relationship to change.
The Chakra System is a Map of Consciousness
In this brief video Anodea Judith succinctly presents the relationship between the chakras, our issues and lives, as well as how individual change ripples out into he world.
Why Energy Healing?
What I found in Mind-Body Medicine and Energy Healing (from many sources) was the means to heal from the inside out with relative ease. I also found a way to understand ourselves and engage in spiritual growth and higher human potential that cut through the incessant dialogue that tends to describe, catalogue, organize, and package…
3 Effective Methods to Remove Blocks to Clear Perception
One of the most powerful ways of engaging this process is to consider the question of WHO is doing the choosing€¦.who is holding a particular perception or viewpoint. We are all the product of so many influences and as a result have multiple sub personalities living inside us.