Category: Caregiver Stress
What you need to know to about self care
Times of change and uncertainty provide ripe ground for our fears and personal myths to emerge. Instead of allowing them to remain out of awareness where they are free to create chaos or employing ineffective means to manage and control them, we can choose methods that provide us a way out a way to personal…
Taming the Modern Energy Vampire
A Modern Day Energy VampireThe modern day vampire is not a thief who comes in the night and drains our energy. These days the vampire is right out in front of us, on our desks, night stands, in our living rooms, pockets and pocketbooks. No capes, no fangs for a techno-vampire! A vampire can also…
Tame the ego to let go of stress and build inner peace and resiliency
Ego and conscious mindOur conscious mind/ego self identity tends to focus on what is not going well, what we do not have, what outside us is not helping to make us healthy, happy and peaceful. This outer focus often results in frustration, fear, misdirected passion, power struggles, relationship and identity problems. I believe this is…
The Breath of Mindfulness
“There is a way of breathing that’s a shame and suffocation. And there’s another way of expiring, a love-breath that lets you open infinitely.” Rumi Proper breath promotes relaxationProper, relaxed breathing is the cornerstone in any inner awareness process. Improper breathing contributes to stress, anxiety and pain. Try it no by taking in a clear,…
Stress and PTSD in Current Times: What Can Help
PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) is typically thought of if someone has been through a catastrophic event or been in a war zone or experienced some form of trauma. What we now know is that there are other situations that can produce the symptoms of PTSD. I suspect that our 24/7 news cycle which brings…