Category: Caregiver Stress
Is Resistance Keeping You in Pain?
Our energy field offers us clues about our resistance as well as ways out of it.
Subtle Energy Benefits for Your Self Care Plan
Subtle Energy benefits your self care plan by providing core motivation and increasing the tools available. Self care is tremendously important yet it is often the hardest thing to include in our days. We go and go, give and give without taking time for ourselves. We are beginning to recognize this pattern as being a…
Do Energy Fields Reveal Information About Your Soul?
Energy fields contain information about our basic natures as well as life experiences. We each have our own energetic imprint. In some ways this could be thought of as a “soul-print”. Our energy fields show both our strengths and our weaknesses. It seems that our energy is designed both as the means to best express…
Infinite Energy: Antidote to Stress
We experience our lives through our energy systems. When things feel good we tend to allow our energy to flow, to be connected to the infinite energy available to us…we think and feel in positive ways and experience vitality. When something negative or unpleasant occurs we tend to shut down…in our minds and our hearts……
Simple Seasonal Attitude Adjustment!
One way to move out of a slump is to acknowledge your feelings, really feel them without holding on to them. Sometimes just letting feelings be, taking the label off, relaxing, breathing, letting go of resistance can be all that is needed. After all it is resistance that causes pain. This process of acknowledging your…