Category: Caregiver Stress
Energy Shifting to Bring Your Soul to Life
Energy Shifting, Soul and Personal Power To step into our own power, to be more conscious creators of our lives, to bring forth our own best Self and birth our soul into the life we are given is a process of BECOMING. All that we desire for ourselves in life emerges from a state of…
How Does Deep Self care Help in Times of Change ?
Change, Transformation and Stress What a week (month/year!) this past one has been! It seems that the pace of life along with the pressure of change not only is not letting up but is accelerating and along with it emotional tensions run high. Anger, fear, frustration and stress are all quite natural responses to the…
Deep Relaxation Releases Stress and Promotes Mind-Body Health
Relaxation 101 helps you to release the physical, mental and emotional buildup of stress, develop greater focus and concentration and enter into more spacious feelings of ease no matter what the outer circumstances . We are living in a time when it is more important than ever to pay attention to the levels of stress…
Quantum Focusing Coaching
“How to get Unstuck” Quantum Focusing A Six-Step Coaching Program Quantum Focusing draws on the latest discoveries and practices from Behavioral Medicine, Mind-Body Medicine, Energy Psychology, Spirituality, and Quantum Physics. Quantum Focusing is a: Tried and true process for self-development and spiritual growth Blend of inner tools, spiritual practice, creative stress management and Quantum Physics Spiritual…
Letting Go: Key to Healing
Letting Go Clears the Way for Change The title of this program, Letting go, the Heart of Healing refers to the notion that until we let go of old roles, programs and unprocessed emotions from our inner hard drives healing cannot really happen and nothing new can really take root within and become a center…
Why Pay Attention to Stress? Finding Inner Peace
Peace is like a sun that is always shining in your heart” (Buddhist saying) Our personal energy, our inner sun is often obscured by the clouds of stress, out of reach due to a lack of skills and commitment to one’s self. Fortunately, as always, we have a choice. Consciously designing a personal stress management…