The answer is ‘Yes‘! Intuition or your sixth sense is your inner guidance system that can be used to improve all areas of your life. First you must understand it, then develop and integrate it and finally USE it!
You probably already have had experience with intuition ….some common experiences…
Have you ever known who was on the telephone before you answered it?
Have you ever had a gut feeling that defied logic but turned out to be true?
Have you ever known what someone was going to say before they said it?
If you answered yes’ to any of these questions you have experienced intuition.
In spite of the mystery, stereotypes, misconceptions and hype’ that are often associated with intuition, it is a normal human function. There are certainly people who are born with a greater ability than others, just as there are those who are born with a more highly developed athletic or musical talent.
The truth is we all have this basic skill. We have not understood how it operates and perhaps that is the reason we have not been encouraged to pay attention to or develop this sixth sense’. In fact we have been taught to ignore, devalue and distrust it. This is unfortunate as it can be an enormous source of help and guidance in a variety of ways in our lives. There are many who have developed this ability and found it to be of enormous help in business, relationships, & decision making. In addition, it can be a wonderful asset to help combat stress, improve health, enhance creativity, and boost personal and professional performance.
I remember one client in particular who told me that she credits the development of her intuition with her ability to achieve the high quality of life she now lives. I have known her for many years and know this to be true as I watched her develop, integrate and use this ability. She has created success in her marriage, business life, parenting and financial world’ through healing in order to more clearly open to intuitive knowing as well as engaging mind-body-energy skills.
There are also many stories about famous people such as CEO’s of major companies using this skill to balance the intellectual information that they use to make key decisions & run their companies. There are stories of great inventors, skilled musicians, writers, actors and people from every walk of life who have honed their innate capacity of higher knowing to help them on there way. These are all simply examples of what we all can do…we simply need the means and the commitment to develop this innate human capacity.
What is intuition?
One way to view this ability is simply as another source of knowledge. It does not rely on the usual logical processes that our other ways of knowing do and so seems irrational or quirky to us. Fortunately, research has now provided great deal of information about the brain-body connection, how the mind operates and how the gift’ of intuition can be cultivated.
Perhaps the easiest way to understand intuition is as an extension of our other senses. It travels over the same circuitry that our thoughts and feelings do. Each of us has one sense that is more highly attuned to receiving intuitive information. It may be a kind of inner voice, the ability to see inner images, a gut response’, or an unexplainable but strong knowing. We all have the capacity to have one or all of these types of knowing. In the beginning it is best to work first with the one that is strongest & most natural for you.
1. Quieting the mind; Meditation & Deep relaxation
Our everyday awareness is normally attuned to the external world and filled with endless chatter about people, places and things. It is actually quite busy inside our minds most of the time. So trying to hear our intuition under these circumstances is like having a very loud conversation when you are attempting to hear someone with a very soft voice!
Practices that allow you to move more into a quieter internal environment are essential. They help turn down the volume on the chatter, turn up the volume on the quieter inner promptings, and assist in developing a clarity that allows you to more readily recognize your intuitive voice.
2.” Breathwork“
Learning to breathe properly helps in many of the same ways as practices that quiet and slow down cognition. They also help to provide the brain with more oxygen and this of course promotes better function of it and the nervous system. In addition, the breath can serve as a focal point to steady and discipline the mind. Both the latter skills are important as you advance in your work with cultivating your” higher mind.”
3. Imagery
Imagery aids to still, clear and steady the mind. It helps to access those portions of ourselves that are more concerned with creativity and intuition. It helps to set the stage’, provide a sense of relaxation and ritual that are also supportive of the process. Imagery can be used for cultivating higher level awareness, disciplining the mind, as well as being a major pathway that intuition travels over.
4. Energy Enhancement
The human energy system is intricately connected to the functioning of the physical systems that intuition uses. Awareness of how to build and strengthen energy significantly enhances the development of intuition.
5. Journaling
Keeping a journal or log of your intuitive hits’ can help develop confidence as well as help you to know what is not working. Because we are often in an altered state when we are accessing intuition, sometimes it is difficult to bring the information fully into everyday consciousness until you have had some practice.
Other tools to open and develop your intuition
Learning to relax body and mind sets the stage for opening to the quieter voice within.
Relaxation101 can help with that: http://www.livingenergyworks.com/relaxation-101-download/
Balancing your chakras to raise your energy to new frequencies is helped by: Balancing Your Chakras: http://www.livingenergyworks.com/downloadable-mp3s/
Clearing your field so your frequency can rise and your inner voice can be heard more clearly is helped by: Guided Chakra Meditations: http://www.livingenergyworks.com/downloadable-mp3s/
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