Sonia’s View
World events over the past weeks (or months, years, decades!) are providing ample opportunity for us to be shocked, devastated, angry, despondent….and every other emotion humans are capable of! Of course it has always been this way to some extent, but we are indeed living in extraordinary times when everything is ramped to the max.
When bad news, disaster or trauma strike our fight flight mechanism is triggered and as long as we can DO something, act in some responsive way all that energy is discharged and we re-balance our systems. Often however, we are mere bystanders to difficult situations, but our fight/ flight response may still be triggered. We would do well to be aware of this and give ourselves an appropriate outlet for that energy.
There may also be other more subtle things going on beneath our awareness during times of hearing news of such calamities–our own fear, guilt, shame or powerlessness may be activated. We do not want to feel these feelings generally and do almost anything to distance ourselves from them. As strange as it may sound, these can be opportunities to become more self aware and dump some emotional baggage so our trip can be lighter, brighter and more enjoyable! In fact, I believe that a lot of our current dilemmas are an invitation, albeit a challenging one, to do just that.
We are evolving, growing, changing….we are birthing ourselves and a new world at the same time! And as anyone involved with birth knows, it is messy, uncomfortable, painful, challenging, confusing and yes, you often want out! But just as with human birth, there is a depth that is gained in the experience and an incredible gift at the end (which we know is only the beginning but that is another story!).
As a species we are evolving and that means waking up. What does that mean? To me it means that we are learning to become more real or authentic. And what does that mean!? It means that we let illusions drop away…about ourselves, others and the world. It means that we clear our own internal clutter so we can perceive more clearly and experience life more directly. It means we are large enough to be with what is even as we remain committed to transformation where necessary. It means we move toward a clarity that allows for meeting others and the world honestly and openly instead of through the haze and delusion of our filters, fantasies or paranoia. This is the only way to be able to create anything sustainable….individually or globally. We are seeing the results of using dishonest unsustainable approaches everywhere.
Some helpful hints for the journey…
Helps a heart to open and deepen
Opens eyes wider and allows ears to hear more clearly
Broadens and expands a mind to include more and exclude less
Encourages acceptance, tolerance and unity consciousness to take root
Is a process a journey with a road that reaches both behind and before us
Awakening is an imperfect course with jagged edges that pierce the smoothness of your contentment and explode the inner space of your reality.
Awakening requires…
Courage, perseverance, commitment and practice
Patience to ride the currents, the updrafts and the troughs
Fortitude to face your fears, the day, imperfection, reality, others, and yourself
Commitment to stay the course, to your truth, to your process– esp. in the stuck times
Perseverance to keep showing up, shifting and moving forward while honoring your missteps
Awakening is easier if you remember to notice how far you’ve come even as you see how far you have to go
When all is said and done… Awakening is allowing our humanness to be touched by our soul and shaped by it. Once our resistance to this falls away, we can open to the flow of soul letting it inform and lead us with the result that we then can more fully deliver spirit into human form. From there it is possible to create a world that nourishes, sustains and supports every one.
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