Author: admin
Moving From Empathy to Compassion
Compassion fatigue has become a familiar phrase over this past year. The following excerpt notes the difference between empathy and compassion which points us in the direction of being able to connect with others in healthy ways that help both parties with no negative effects. The link to the whole article is at the bottom…
Energy Drains: How to Know if Your Energy Being Drained?
Invisible Energy DrainsBecause the flow of energy between people is invisible to the naked eye it may be hard to understand or realize that your energy field has been compromised or assaulted. However, your feelings and intuition can be counted on to tell the story. Questions to Identify Energy DrainsHave you ever been with a…
Letting Go: How to Move Through Grief, Loss and Change with Greater Ease
What I have learned, working with my own issues as well as those of clients, is that there is also another level of awareness that can be helpful in this area. That level focuses on the energy dynamics that operate beneath the surface in the circumstances of our lives. If we understand those workings our…
What Does a Healthy Solar PLexus Chakra Look like?
What Does a Healthy Solar Plexus Energy Center Look Like?A strong and balanced third chakra helps you to have a solid sense of your own power and worth. You are able to set goals based on your desires and act to manifest them in the world. You have leadership qualities and are an innovator without…
Solar Plexus Chakra, Energy and Power…Too Much or Too Little?
In general, imbalances in the solar plexus can lead to a need to manipulate and control others. The means can differ depending on the type of imbalance.[caption id="attachment_14659" align="alignleft" width="320"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Crown Chakra: What you Need to know about Your Connection to Spiritual Wisdom and Guidance
Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been writing about the chakras, their properties, characteristics and how they relate to our lives. This brings us to the last chakra, the crown and its role and purpose. Tomorrow there will be a mediation for the crown chakra on this blog.