
How to Strengthen Your Intuition

Connecting with our authentic nature, our core, that aspect of self that is beyond our storylines, hurts and wounds puts us in contact with a resilient, coherent energy flow that affects all aspects of life in a strong and positive way.

What is intuition? We talk about it, even use it, but do we really understand it and even more important, how can we develop and make the best use of it?

Our energy system is the means through which we contact and receive information regarding people, places and things. Our inner self or higher nature communicates through this system. It has been called intuition, instinct, a hunch, or the small still voice within. We have the possibility for constant access to this aspect of ourselves and the information it is communicating, but we tend to not understand it, ignore or discount it.

Unexplainable emotional reactions to people and events, half formed or inexplicable feelings or hunches are all ways that our psyche is trying to inform us about the true nature of our interactions. Our thoughts, wishes, desires and attitudes are all also a part of this mix. This can make it tricky to sort out what message is coming from which source. Making friends with this aspect of our being and understanding its language, learning to clear, balance and attune to our energy are all effective ways to be more fully informed about the reality of our lives.  In addition, this way of knowing that is available to us can help us make better informed choices, avoid unnecessary problems and experience more of the beauty and wonder of life.

How does your intuition speak to you? What kind of relationship do you cultivate with it?

 Balancing Your Chakrasis a wonderfully relaxing way to attune to, strengthen and balance your energy system so it becomes a reliable source of energy and intuition for you.  Click here to learn more: